Artist Statement

I want my Art to touch the soul. Although we live in an age where art trends lean toward the politics of our time, I choose instead to reflect a timeless, soul-inspired reality. My personal inspiration as an Artist is sourced in all cultures and epochs with the evocation of spirit the desired aim.

The paintings and prints employ mixed media on either high quality paper, wood panel, or canvas. Representational and abstract symbols stamped, drawn, printed, or collaged, coexist with balanced design elements to create an overall visual harmony. Bold geometries suggest an archetypal language spoken in unseen dimensions. 

To interpret the symbols, one must use cognitive powers based on intuition rather than analysis or logic. As art is considered to be subjective, so too is the capacity to translate a symbolic language such as that experienced in dreams. In other words, we innately understand its meaning without having to be literal. The intention in this work is to suggest an expanded realm wherein our consciousness not only already dwells but also innately comprehends. Each painting can be experienced for both its surface beauty as well as being a visual meditation reflecting larger, abstract realities.

Asandra 2015